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On landlord-tenants disputes and the rights of landlords

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2017 | Landlord-tenant Law

Imagine that an apartment is being rented out to a tenant, and after a few months, the tenant starts to complain about a variety of issues. These issues need to be dealt with, and so the landlord handles them. But this teaches the tenant that his or her complaints are always just, when in fact not every tenant complaint or grievance is.

In most cases, the general public will side with the tenant when a massive landlord-tenant dispute makes the news. It is just the way these things get portrayed. However, the landlord has rights and interests in these disputes too, and they aren’t always the bad ones trying to neglect individuals living on their premises.

Landlord-tenant disputes can get very heated, and the legal peculiarities can get dicey at times. Tenants have a lot of rights too, so it is best for any landlord to have substantial and experienced legal backing on their side when a dispute erupts. 

Evictions can be difficult without legal help, and with Stephen A. Martin as your legal counsel, you can rest assured that your particular case is being handled properly. We can handle a wide variety of real estate matters and even a variety of landlord-tenant disputes — including disputes in the commercial sector.

Stephen A. Martin is dedicated and responsive, and our goal is to efficiently and effectively resolve your case so that you can go back to your life and your duties as a landlord. If you are in need of legal help, please consult with us.
